Teaching in Jakarta 101

As experienced and told by Charlotte Shipley, "technically" a first year teacher, whose travels teaching abroad begin in Jakarta, Indonesia 06 July 2011.

A friend of mine wrote to me, 'Oh my gosh, you're the "REAL" Eat, Pray, Love girl!' Well, not exactly, but after much thought, I have realized that I am the real "Teach, Pray, Love" girl.... so here I am - a journey half way round the world to grow closer to God, have a stronger prayer life, teach little Christian minds, love, and learn how to be loved. Welcome to my journey.


Sunday, July 24, 2011

People of Jakarta...

Whew, today was a Full day.... a trip to the Yayasan Kampung Kids to drop off food, to the nail salon for a fill, and the local market to shop for baskets and flowers.... Get ready for some very interesting pictures.  I took pictures along the way and hope you enjoy....
First, we went to the Yayasan Kampung Kids to drop off some food. Jo cooks for them once a month.
From their website: "The idea for this project started in the garage of one of our founder, who, during the last three years provided soup , rice, fruit, juice and milk to approximately 30 of the local children.

Bahasa English was also taught once a week to the same children and some adults. Due to the recent economic crisis in Jakarta on September 20, 1999, we began serving soup and rice to approximately 150 children in village. Additionally, approximately 50 children 5 and under and pregnant or breastfeeding mothers receive a cup of milk. This presently provided 3 days a week. KAMPUNG KIDS was legally formed in November 1999."

It was a great experience to see such good things happening here....

I was gifted a tour of the facility then we were off to the salon.  It has been 3 weeks since my nails were filled.  Way past due!  That was an experience all of its own.  I miss Danny at Muskogee's Arrowhead Mall and Tammy at the salon in Moore!  The girl who filled my nails today was very sweet, but everything was done manually and not up to my American Asians' standards.  No drills and it cost 250,000 rupiah which equals $29.41.  That is $14.41  more than I am used to paying in America.  Then, I had to pay another 50,000 rupiah ($5.88 USD) to get them painted!  I said NO to the polish and decided it is time for me to paint them myself!  You can imagine the reaction I had to the news!  It was Not good... OK, Char, it's OK... don't sweat the small stuff.  Nails done, I sat outside the shop and watched traffic while I waited for Meena and Jo to return from their shopping.  A thirty minute wait produced some very interesting shots....

They carry everything conceivable on their motorcycles...

Families will ride on one bike.... (small child is in front)

Her drink is from McDonald's!

These are a couple of ladies headed into the salon.  I was surprised to see how much Muslim women are into fashion and looking good.  They may need to cover their hair, but they are going to look good doing it! :)

Then, we were off to the market.... Along the way, I couldn't help but take a few more pictures for you....
I caught this lady riding side saddle while the man is balancing their goods in the front of the cycle!

It is very common to find children (babies and older) on the motorcycles...

If you look closely, you will find that the woman in pink is carrying  baby and the man has a small boy in front of him... all on one motorcycle.

One the street, you will find motorcycles, cars, buses, people walking, and pulling a cart.  They all seem to work together to get where they are going.  This is the friendliest 'traffic mess' I have ever seen... horns honking and all. :)

Jakarta is wall to wall traffic.  It takes an hour just to get a few miles down the road.  Sometimes, it is faster to just walk. (That is why there are so many motorcycles)  So, there are those who take advantage of the fact that there are so many cars just inching down the road.  Having a captive audience makes marketing (peddling) products very easy. 

The locals were very interesting at the market... the flowers were beautiful, and the school kids were so cute... Let me explain - The above picture is of three men taking it easy.  They are at a booth at the market and relaxing to a great game of chess....

There were baskets, home decor, greenery, and flowers everywhere...
Awesome! This caught Jo's eye, too!

He is making a memorial or a design for a wedding.... could be either.

The cages are filled with flowers that the florist use to complete orders.

Meena and Jo are walking through the upper level of the market where the designers are sorting and prepping the flowers.  One of the men is found eating his dinner.  He has 'INIO' spelled out in rose petals in front of him.  Inio is a type of music that is popular.
I couldn't help but miss the days at Teleflora when we would bring flowers home.  I love flowers!

Beautiful arrangements ready to be sold.

Pink Roses! Beautiful!

 There are many florists here at the market and flowers everywhere!

These bags are filled with rose petals used by Muslims in their religion.

This is a florist in the market.  Customers are gathered ready to place orders.  Flowers are so much cheaper here than in the States.  Meena bought a bunch of Gerber Daisies for about $5-6 USD today... They make a lovely addition to our home.

The vendor is showing Jo something that appears to be: The Nipple plant also known as the Cows Udder plant is a hardy perennial with large velvety leaves, small purple flowers and firm thorns. Its showy yellow nipple shaped fruit is related to the tomato. Unlike the tomato however, it's quite poisonous. It does have some medicinal properties though and can also be used as a detergent for washing clothes. The fruit can even last up to two months which is a long time in relation to fruits. It is native to South America

These guys are so talented!  Mom, this is the same stuff used to make the cross I bought for you in VA.

Now that's talent!

The market was complete with a band.... She sang very well.  This redheaded White woman caught the attention of some locals as I walked through here.  I just smile, say hello, and keep on walking.  LOL

I must say that my day was made complete with the flirtations of some young local boys......

These are 11 and 12 yr olds from the government school... They attend school Monday - Saturday.
We were leaving the market and headed for the main road to catch a cab home and Jo tells me that the boys are trying to talk to me.  They were walking in the same direction but on the opposite side of the street.
The one on the left (see pic) says, 'What's your name?'  I answer and told him that my name is Ms. Charlotte (It is Ms. Charlotte / not Ms. Shipley here).  He says, 'Where are you from?"  I answered and told him that I was from America.  He smiled really big and continued to talk.  The one in the middle asked how old I was, then asked if he could take me for a ride on his motorcycle!   They were too cute and too sweet... I asked if I could take a picture with them and they were all too happy to entertain.  I think I made their day too!

Now that my ego has been stroked (even if it was by some little eager young men), I am headed to bed for a much needed good night's rest.
Till next time....

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