Teaching in Jakarta 101

As experienced and told by Charlotte Shipley, "technically" a first year teacher, whose travels teaching abroad begin in Jakarta, Indonesia 06 July 2011.

A friend of mine wrote to me, 'Oh my gosh, you're the "REAL" Eat, Pray, Love girl!' Well, not exactly, but after much thought, I have realized that I am the real "Teach, Pray, Love" girl.... so here I am - a journey half way round the world to grow closer to God, have a stronger prayer life, teach little Christian minds, love, and learn how to be loved. Welcome to my journey.


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Beginning the Journey:

Many of you are wondering how I got here and several have asked that I start a Blog to share my experience here in Jakarta… so here it is: (I hope you enjoy it as much as I am!)
Around the first of June 2011 I sent an application in to the Ichthus International School in Jakarta, Indonesia…  Well, let’s back up a minute.  Let me answer the question I am sure many are asking, “Why would I want to teach overseas”?  I have always wanted to travel and enjoy every chance I get to do so.  When I was a senior in high school, I wanted to become in international flight attendant with France Air, so I studied French under Mrs. Tish Galusha  in high school, summer semester of conversational French at OSU, and 1 ½ semesters at NSU.  Those plans changed when I quit college (yes, in the middle of the semester) during my ‘rebellion from the parents’.  Soon after, I met and married Gary Shipley – my husband for 19 years and father of my children: Tabitha Jo, 25; Thomas Aaron, 22; Tyler Jefferson, 17.  Being married and with children made it inconvenient for me to pursue my dreams of travel, so I stayed home, raised a family, and made the best of a bad marriage. (Note:  Our marriage may have been a nightmare at times, but we now have grown into a very close friendship. I thank him for all that he does for me and for the friendship we have formed.)
So, back to teaching...  Earlier in the year, an elementary principal friend of mine suggested that I get my teaching certificate renewed and return to teaching.  I had no idea that I could do that without going back to college for more hours.  Thank you Les Potter!  I will forever be grateful to you!  Once my license was renewed, I began looking for a teaching position.  I had already signed up for a mission trip in July 2011 to Honduras with the Oakcrest Church of Christ in Oklahoma City.  It was about then that my mind started brainstorming: What if I could teach abroad?  I was in a failing relationship with a man whom I still love deeply, but circumstances put a wedge between us that I am afraid will never heal.  So, I started to let my fingers do some walking on the internet highway and found some agencies in the USA and Canada who help match up schools with teachers.  I applied to three or four schools:  Abu Dhabi, Philippines, and Jakarta.  I was interviewed by the school in Abu Dhabi, but wasn’t chosen to go further.  Then, I was contacted by Ichthus International School in June.  I interviewed with him, then waited… and waited… and waited.  I spent most of this time in prayer, asking for guidance and for affirmation that this is where I need to be planted.  I also spent that time thanking him for blessing me with this amazing opportunity.   Tuesday July 5th, Mr. Wisnu (HR dept.) contacted me again with the owner of the school and asked if I would still be interested in the job.  Of Course I Am! – That’s where all the chaos started and my adventure began…
I was told that I needed to be in Jakarta by Friday, if at all possible, since school begins on Tuesday, July 12th.  Sure, that can be done!  “I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me” Philippians 4:13.  After SCREAMING through Mom’s house with Shouts of Acclamation, reality hit – I was Really going to Jakarta to live for TWO YEARS!  How Great is our God!  My mind began to flood with things that needed to be done… airline ticket, pack, power of attorney, tell the kids, Sammy!  Ok, one at a time.  I stayed up ALL night trying to find the fastest way to get to Jakarta by Friday, packing (wasn’t easy), and praying.  I seemed to be either thanking Him or singing praises to Him all night long.  It was pretty scary asking for a ONE WAY ticket to Jakarta, Indonesia where I only know the Human Resource Director – and only through ‘Skype’.  I have been asked many times how I am brave enough to just step out there and do this, to which I answer, “He is my strength”. 
I was on a plane 14 hrs. after accepting the job offer, so those 14 hrs. were a little wild, to say the least:
·         Book flight (check) leaving at 12:15 PM Wed. July 6
·         Pack – What to pack/How to get it ALL on the plane/Need vs. Want (check)
·         Tell my children (They knew it was possible, just not when – check)
·         Bank/ Assign Power of Attorney/ second signer  (check/check/not check)
·         Life Insurance (I know, I should already have it, but don’t) (still working on)
·         Getting to the airport on time (Mom & Dad have Dr.’s apt at 9:30AM) (Whew – Check!)
Mom is crazy worried that I won’t make it to the airport in time, but I am convinced that I can do it ALL. Ha! Right!  So, M&D go to the Dr. and I finish packing while Randall (younger brother) rescues me with a pair of jumper cables.  Oh, yes, did I forget to mention that the battery was dead on my Blazer because it hadn’t been driven in weeks?   Randall finally arrived and it is now about 10AM.  (Did I mention the flight leaves at 12:15PM?)
So, with Blazer jump started, (Thank you Bubby!), I head off the church to get my Power of Attorney notarized by the Awesome Alana Hanover (check). The trip I needed to take to both of my banks was a little tricky.  Since my Blazer was just jump started after being down for a while, I needed to keep it running if at all possible.  With NO time to spare, the last thing I needed was to turn it off and not get it started again!  I had to decide – which ‘bank trip’ was most important?  Obviously, taking money with me was top of the list, so I took a HUGE chance in OKC by leaving the Blazer not only running but also unlocked while I ran in to withdraw cash (check).  It was a large amount so the drive thru wasn’t an option this time.  As a last minute thought, I realized that I would be leaving a cell phone contract with 13 months left.  Luckily, UC Cellular was across the street from the bank.  I called them and they had the papers ready so all I had to do was walk in, sign, and leave (check).  NICE!  I gave mom the option of making the line part of her share talk or canceling.  It would be nice to have my same number when I return, but if not, that’s ok too. 
Running out of time, I returned to Mom’s and decided I would have to do the rest from Jakarta.  Rachel and Blake (Randall’s two) met up with M&D at the doctor’s office, so they showed up with M&D when they returned from their office visit.  With no time to spare, we threw the bags and ourselves into the van and raced to the airport.  It was now about 11:45AM, as I remember.  Mom was frantic saying I won’t make it on time… Ye of little faith.  She did say; however, that if Anyone would make it on the plane with such little time to spare, it would be ME!  Thanks Mom! J
12 Noon and I am rolling into the drop off area, Mom drops us all off, and I rush to the baggage check area.  Whew, looks like I’ll make it!  The lady behind the counter doesn’t seem to be in much of a hurry, so all must be well…. I get the bags checked in (just below the limit) and turn around to see Ginger (Sis-in-law via Randall) standing behind me!  I was SO happy to see her!  She pulled out her camera and we took pics of all of us. Thank you Ginger!  Then we heard the call, “Passenger Charlotte Shipley on flight 61 to Houston, Please board now”.  Ok, quick goodbyes and a rush to security.  While waiting in line at security check we hear, “Passenger Charlotte Shipley on flight 61 to Houston, you have 3 minutes to board’.  OMG!  I can do this!  After making it through security without any problems, I RUN through the airport to my gate…. Carrying my purse & computer case and pulling a carry on suitcase.  I can’t believe that I am about to say this, but I felt like O.J. Simpson Running through the airport – literally Dodging people (kids) to reach my gate!  She was still there! Whew, Just in time!

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