Teaching in Jakarta 101

As experienced and told by Charlotte Shipley, "technically" a first year teacher, whose travels teaching abroad begin in Jakarta, Indonesia 06 July 2011.

A friend of mine wrote to me, 'Oh my gosh, you're the "REAL" Eat, Pray, Love girl!' Well, not exactly, but after much thought, I have realized that I am the real "Teach, Pray, Love" girl.... so here I am - a journey half way round the world to grow closer to God, have a stronger prayer life, teach little Christian minds, love, and learn how to be loved. Welcome to my journey.


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Independence Day.... Indonesian style!

Ichthus school knows how to celebrate Indonesia's Independence Day with style and flare!  I have learned so much from this country and from my friends living here with me.  Indonesia is a very proud country and through this celebration and the children's projects, I have learned a few things about this wonderful country.  Let me share a few of them with you....

Indonesia is an archipelagic country of 17,508 islands (6,000 inhabited) stretching along the equator in South East Asia.  The country's strategic sea-lane position fostered inter-island and international trade; trade has since fundamentally shaped Indonesian history. The area of Indonesia is populated by peoples of various migrations, creating a diversity of cultures, ethnicities, and languages. The archipelago's landforms and climate significantly influenced agriculture and trade, and the formation of states. 

I also was surprised to find out that Indonesia is only 66 years young.... They were enslaved and exploited by the Dutch and Britain till 1946.   However, human trafficing continues today.

Back to the Ichthus Celebration:

We all gathered in the Assembly room.  The kids are split into 'houses'... House of Matthew, House of Mark, House of Luke, and House of John.  My group is the House of Matthew.  We all dressed in red shirts and white pants.  The houses all marched out onto the soccer field according to their houses....

Teachers from the House of Matthew are getting the kids lined up....
We are ready  to start our presentation for the parents.... the kids worked really hard to make this celebration Spectacular and fun for them and the parents....

Mrs. Meera and Mrs. Charo (Secondary and Elementary Principals) are making sure that everyone is in their place before the ceremony begins.

Raising of the flag.... the secondary students.  They took great pride in their responsibility and did a fantastic job!
After the raising of the flag Jing Jeng, our music teacher, led the children in the singing of “Indonesia Raya”.  The children singing this song in Bahasa Indonesian was one of the sweetest sounds on earth. 
The secondary made some presentations…. Among them, ‘Cry Freedom’ by David Keig…
Cry Freedom
Cry freedom
With a quiet voice
Cry freedom
And rejoice.

Cry freedom
See the purest light
Cry freedom
With fresh sight.

Cry freedom
With a gentle will
Cry freedom
And be still.

Cry freedom
Till your heart does ache
Cry freedom
And awake.

Cry freedom
With a quiet voice
Cry freedom
And rejoice.

-David Keig

Cyril and Trena did a great job announcing each portion of the celebration festivities…

The House of Matthew was the first house to be announced…. They did a great job with their ‘chant’ – House of Matthew, we are the best. You can’t do anything but rest!  M-A-T-T-H-E-W , We love Matthew, so should you!

This is Edwardo (one of the many here LOL) looking very handsome, as usual.   I think you have met him in a previous blog.  He is a good friend and is ready go when I call….. where ever that might be.  Thanks Eddie!

Some of the parents who came to watch….. and participate!

The first game of the day was the teachers vs the parents… in a balloon race.  We had to SIT on the balloon and break it then relay back to our team for the next one to go…. First team finished is the winner. You know how it’s played right?  Simple enough .......

Teachers... ready to start - Anri, you look a  little too anxious!  Maybe you should have been one of the first to go -

Good job Kristyo..... We can do it!!!!!!

The Winning Team! Congrats parents, nice job!  We will get you next year! J

Secondary students…. They left the primary area after the presentations and had their own celebratory games on the basketball court.
Me and some of my colleagues having fun in the sun!

I think the kids are ready to play..... Let's take a look at what fun they had -
First up is the sack race.... 10 students from each house race to see who is the best house.  Echo, the PE teacher is showing the kids how it is done.  Do you think any of them are paying attention?  ....

... and they are off! Yep, I think they know how it's done!

The rest of the day was filled with several kinds of relay races… sack races, ‘ski’ races, banana eating, puzzle races, etc.  It was a very fun day!
I didn’t get everything because my battery ran down. L Sad, but true.  I should have brought my canon…. Next time.
Till we meet again.....

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